Pittsburgh Injury Lawyers

Your appearance may be the same on the outside, but your insides will be eternally damaged if you or the person you love has experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI). As we’ve seen, brain injuries are among the most devastating and complex injuries.

There are many different types of traumatic brain injuries, and Pittsburgh brain injury lawyers provide you all the information you need to understand them.

Pittsburgh Brain Injury attorney

Traumatic Brain Injury: What Is It?

It’s a term used to describe damage to the brain produced by external physical forces such as automobile accidents, gunshot wounds to the head, or falls from a height, among other things. In addition to the loss of consciousness following head trauma, a person may have experienced a traumatic brain injury without losing consciousness, which is also an essential warning indication. Depending on the severity of a traumatic brain injury (TBI), or concussion, an individual may suffer from a “mild” TBI, or trauma, or a “severe” TBI with an extended time of unconsciousness.

According to the International Brain Injury Association (IBIA), brain injuries are most likely to result in death or lifelong impairment of all types of damages. About 1 million Americans need emergency room treatment for traumatic brain injury each year; it is the most significant cause of mortality worldwide and the primary source of disability. There are approximately 5.3 million people in the United States who are affected by the effects of traumatic brain injury.


There are a variety of physical and psychological consequences that can be caused by a traumatic brain injury. Others may arise days or weeks after the occurrence, depending on the severity of the trauma. Symptoms of a person’s injury may include:

  • Headache
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Tiredness or sluggishness
  • Disturbances in the speech
  • A feeling of instability or dizziness
  •  Sensitivity to sound or light
  • Temporary loss of consciousness lasting from a few seconds to many minutes
  • A condition of confusion or disorientation, not unconsciousness
  • Problems with memory and focus
  • Changes in mood
  • Feeling down or worried
  • Inability to get to sleep
  • Getting more sleep than normal
  • Nose or ear discharge that is clear in color
  • You can’t get out of bed in the morning
  • Weakness in the fingers and toes
  • Coordination problems
  • Irregular speech
  • A permanent state of unconsciousness.

A Traumatic Brain Injury can have Several Causes:

Some frequent causes of traumatic brain damage include the following:

  • Vehicle collisions
  • Truck collisions
  • As a result of a motorbike
  • Intimidating acts
  • Recreational and sports activities
  • Military/bomb explosion

All TBIs are caused by automobile accidents, which account for 50% of all injuries. Falls are the primary cause of traumatic brain injury (TBI) among seniors. Approximately 300,000 traumatic brain injuries are caused by sports each year.

Kinds of Injuries to the Brain:

  • Concussion:

Consciousness loss can occur after a concussion, although it is rare for lasting brain damage to occur.

  • Contusion:

 Injuries to the head can create a contusion, a bruise in a specific brain region. Contrecoup injuries damage the brain on the opposite side of the impact zone as opposed to coup injuries.

  • Dispersed Axonal Injury (DAI):

DAI occurs when nerve cells are cut and stretched at the cellular level. There is a rapid back and forth movement of the brain inside the skull, ripping and injuring the nerve axons as it does. It’s like telephone cables in the brain, as axons link one nerve cell to the next. It’s important to note that axonal damage can have a significant impact on a person’s wakefulness.

  • Subarachnoid bleeding:

It occurs when there is bleeding into the brain’s surrounding tissue. As a floating cushion, CSF fills up this area. This kind of SAH is caused by tears in the tiny blood vessels resulting from an initial injury. In turn, the spread of blood has broad impacts on the brain’s surface.

  • Hematoma:

When a blood vessel bursts, a blood clot is formed. As a result of this, any blood that has escaped the regular circulation thickens and clots. It is the body’s technique of stopping bleeding naturally. Depending on its size, a hematoma might compress the brain. The clot’s placement determines the severity of the symptoms.

Do You Have a Case for a Brain Injury?

The greatest thing you can do is contact an attorney or a law firm that offers free legal consultations. There, they’ll inform you if you have a brain injury case by asking about the accident and your injuries (or the injuries of your loved one). The following elements are considered to decide if you have a chance,

  • The sort of accident that resulted in the brain damage; 
  • Who was to blame? 
  • Brain damage and brain trauma severity
  • It includes how long you will be able to recuperate.
  • Damage or scarring that cannot be repaired.
  • As a result of your head injury, you may have missed work.
  • It would help if you also thought about the financial impact of your injury on your family.
  • Details of insurance protection 

When Should You Consult a Lawyer for Legal Advice?

You should contact an attorney as soon as possible. TBI sufferers often have no recollection of the accident; they recall getting into an ambulance or getting up in the hospital.

Let your attorneys know right away so they can begin preserving evidence as quickly as possible. As a result, you have the highest opportunity of obtaining the compensation you are entitled to under the law.

Value of a Brain Injury Claim?

Those costs must be paid, and you deserve compensation for your suffering. Whoever is guilty of causing your brain damage should be held accountable.

Insurers and law firms that advise you upfront how much your brain damage case is worth are lying to you. It’s difficult to know how much your case is worth until future medical requirements are handled. Each brain injury lawsuit is different, and there are many elements to consider. Still, one thing is constant: If you employ an experienced attorney, you’re more likely to obtain a higher settlement.

Have you suffered a brain injury? Do you need legal help? A brain injury lawyer in Pittsburgh is the right choice for you. You can get in touch for a free consultation.