Pittsburgh Injury Lawyers

A vehicle collision may result in physical and mental harm. Injuries, financial difficulties, and even mental anguish may result from a vehicle collision. Is there anything you could have done to avoid this happening? While this is not always the case, many car accidents may be avoided. More than 90% of car accidents are avoidable. You can make the roadways a safer place by driving at the speed limit, staying attentive on the road, stopping at traffic signals and red lights, and resisting the urge to drink and drive.

Pittsburgh Car Accident Attorney

Drivers may believe that safe driving habits are easy and ordinary, but they are often missed, forgotten, or disregarded in today’s busy driving environment. Every time we go behind the wheel of a car, we have to safeguard ourselves and other drivers by avoiding car accidents.

Accidents may frequently be prevented by taking measures. Below is a detailed guideline by Pittsburgh car accident lawyers that outlines the top 10 safety measures to prevent a car accident. These suggestions from various attorneys may help you prevent getting into a car accident, dealing with legal issues if you are involved in one, and saving your life.

  • Avoid Driving at Night:

Every mile traveled at night increases the chance of a fatal accident threefold. Avoid driving at night unless you are confident you can do so. The risk of accident doubles while driving at night. Without clear vision, you do not know what to expect. As the sun sets, you must become more alert of the roads and vehicles around you.

  • Avoid Drinking and Drug Usage:

Even one drink or more may have a chemical impact on your brain, impairing judgment and response time. Driving while impaired by alcohol, marijuana, or other substances may be fatal. Alcohol is not the only drug that impairs judgment and control. Legal and illicit drugs may affect your ability to drive. Operating a vehicle when your mind and body are not clear may lead to severe car accidents.

  • Do not Speed:

Traffic and speed signs are there for a purpose. They tell you the optimum speed to drive on that route. This may be due to increased traffic, abrupt bends, uneven pavement, and more. The quicker you drive, the worse your response time is and the lengthier it takes to stop your vehicle.

  • Start Gently and Safely.

New drivers are not always safe. New drivers are getting accustomed to checking blind areas, utilizing signal lights, and obeying traffic laws. Fast-moving, high-volume traffic may make you feel uneasy, so avoid it until you have enough monitored driving experience.

  • Follow Red Lights and Traffic Signals:

Red indicates a halt, whether it is a stop or red light. Drivers who disregard red lights and stop signs risk committing accidental death as they often cause high-speed side-impact and rollover accidents. Every time you come to a complete stop, check both ways for approaching traffic to prevent a vehicle collision.

  • Explore the Area: 

Set your sights on the vehicle next to you and scan the whole area you are traveling. It does not imply they will remain in that lane. Before crossing an intersection, check both ways to ensure no one is running a red light. Your driving skills may be good, but you never realize who is driving nearby. Always remain alert.

  • Prepare for bad weather.

Even if you feel comfortable driving on dry roads, avoid driving in poor weather. Keep things easy at the start to get as much authorized experience driving in bad weather as possible. The weather may have a role in car accidents. Rain is a frequent cause, regardless of where you live. So pay attention and be careful. Rain causes vehicles, trucks, and motorbikes to run out of control or slip when braking. When it rains, drive more cautiously.

  • Maintain Your Vehicle.

Knowing your vehicle is critical. Follow a regular maintenance plan and keep note of when you last replaced brakes, fluids, or tires. Your car will function best and be safer to drive if it is well maintained.

  • Always Wear a Seatbelt:

Wear a safety belt anytime you are in a vehicle, whether you are the driver or a passenger, to avoid possible injury.

  • Do not Go Fast and Avoid the Fast Lane:

The fast lane may be hazardous when you need to get it off the highway quickly or escape an out-of-control vehicle. It is considerably simpler to get out of the fast lane if you utilize the center or right lanes. The left lane also draws speeders who are more prone to cause accidents.

What to Do If You Have Been in an Accident?

You must first ensure that no one in the vehicle is harmed if you are in an accident. Check on the occupants in the other car, pedestrians, and anybody else in the area to ensure they are safe. Then perform the following five things:

  • Maintain your presence on the scene.

Leaving may result in legal concerns such as penalties or further offenses.

  • Call your local police department right away.

They will send officers and medical professionals to the accident site. Wait for the police to come and file an accident report.

  • Be in the car  

Stay inside your vehicle when you drive a busy main road and wait for police or a rescue team.

It is hazardous for passengers to stand beside a busy highway or other routes.

  • Stay Calm.

Do not get into a quarrel or disagreement with some other driver.  Share contact and insurance details. Obtain the names and contact numbers of any witnesses if feasible.

  • Contact your insurance company.

Call your insurance company to file a claim. Your agent will request any documentation related to the accident and provide you with crucial information on how to have your vehicle repaired.

  • Be courteous.

Maintain your calm, avoid being confrontational, unruly, or aggressive, and never try to bribe the police.

You may manage your traffic accident claim yourself if you are involved in a car accident and are ready and prepared to participate in the settlement negotiating process. However, there is no replacement for a competent lawyer; therefore, a Pittsburgh car accident attorney would be the best choice. Contact our law firm for a free consultation with one of our experienced car accident lawyers.