Pittsburgh Injury Lawyers

How To Know If You are Eligible for Workers’ Compensation as an Independent Contractor

The first step in determining whether you are eligible for workers’ compensation as an independent contractor is to determine if you are an employee or an independent contractor. The distinction between these two categories is important because it can determine your rights under workers’ compensation laws.

An independent contractor is someone who does work for a company but does not have the authority to make decisions about how business is conducted. If a company has hired you to provide services, such as painting or lawn mowing, as part of your job, you may be considered an independent contractor and thus not eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.

An employee works for a company under the control of its owner or manager, who has the right to direct how work is done and who retains ownership of any products or services produced by the employee. Employees usually receive regular paychecks and receive benefits like health insurance and vacation time.

Pittsburgh workers' compensation attorney

When Are You Eligible For Workers Comp?

If you have been injured on the job, you may be eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits through your employer. However, if you work as an independent contractor and are injured while working for a client, you may not be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.

You may be eligible for workers’ compensation if:

  • You are employed by a company that is covered by workers’ compensation insurance.
  • Your employer has a duty to provide you with safety equipment and training in order to protect your health and safety.
  • Your injury occurred as a result of an accident or injury occurring at work (as opposed to an accident or injury that occurs off the job).

A Pittsburgh workers compensation lawyer is going to be your best friend in this case. You can get in touch with one to have the best outcome in court.

Independent Contracts and W-2 Employees

As an independent contractor, you have the same rights and responsibilities as a W-2 employee. You must be able to prove that you are an independent contractor by showing that you are working for yourself and not for another company or person. You also need to show that your work is distinct from the work of others.

You must be able to prove that you are an independent contractor by showing that you are working for yourself and not for another company or person. You also need to show that your work is distinct from the work of others.

An attorney or lawyer from a reputable law firm can better determine how to approach the case.

What Should Be Your First Step?

Law firms will tell you to go with one of their lawyers or attorneys and it’s highly recommended. But at the same time, you should also do your research before you choose any legal advisor.

Getting a good Pittsburgh workers compensation lawyer fast is critical but at the same time, you should not rush into any decision especially if you are not feeling really okay with it.

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